What will we discover today?

What will we discover today?

Our Values

We value THE OUTDOORS as a wellspring of unlimited inspiration and wonder; as nature’s setting for recreation and learning; and as a collection of precious natural resources to be sustained responsibly.

We value BELONGING for anyone seeking the unique Camp Beech Cliff experience; for every person wishing to feel accepted and to behold their contributions to a greater good; and for communities of all kinds, near and far, striving to connect with one another.

We value THRIVING in the promotion of every person’s physical, social, and emotional health; in the growth of the whole person; and in the pursuit of being the best one can be.    

Our Mission

Through summer camps and year-round outdoor education, leadership and recreation programs, Camp Beech Cliff MDI seeks to enrich the lives of people of all ages. Our mission is to inspire personal growth, interpersonal connection, and a deep appreciation of the natural world.

Our Past, Present & Future



Camp Beech Cliff was a private summer camp for boys from the 1950s until 1978. It was reborn as a day camp for both boys and girls in 1991. That was a decade of tremendous growth for the camp. A successful fundraising campaign in the mid-90s made possible the purchase of the 50 acres Camp Beech Cliff was leasing, thus ensuring the property would remain a permanent resource for our youth. Camp Beech Cliff was incorporated as a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 1997, became an independently operated day camp in 1999, and earned ACA accreditation in 2002. In 1991 our summer camp program hosted just 20 campers a week and now, more than 200 kids immerse themselves in nature and fun every summer week with us.



We are excited about the continuing efforts to improve and expand camp life. In 2012, we underwent an extensive renovation to cabin buildings and the addition of an amphitheater, a boardwalk along the waterfront, and a road down the hill to the waterfront that provides access for emergency vehicles and people with limited mobility.



Camp Beech Cliff remains, first and foremost, committed to creating a summer camp for local kids. We are also expanding and growing…finding ways to benefit our community all year long. Acadia Leadership Institute at Camp Beech Cliff is a new venture designed to share our comfortable meeting spaces and unique settings, our expert instructors, and our state-of-the-art equipment, along with a roster of impressive area professionals, to meet our growing off-season demand. Additionally, we have a new one-of-a-kind challenge course as our centerpiece of an already picturesque camp landscape. This has opened the doors for the creation of the Acadia Leadership Institute, now offering year-round experiences for youth and adults of all ages. Schools, colleges, businesses and other groups looking to experience a truly unique adventure and training opportunity should look no further than a program with the Acadia Leadership Institute, at Camp Beech Cliff.