
Traditional Camps (Grades K-7)

Our four grade based traditional camps – Starburst, Thunder, Lightning and Quasar – are designed to match the social, emotional, and physical development of campers. Please note that the programming described here may need to be altered based upon local Covid conditions during the summer.

For instance, Starbursts have two dedicated counselors per camper group, and more transitional and “down” time. Thunder campers are introduced to most camp activities throughout the week, travelling with a close-knit camper group and dedicated group counselor. Lightning and Quasar campers will have the opportunity to pick a skill area to focus and develop skills. Each week will have different options to choose from. In addition to their skill focus, Lightning and Quasar campers will have time at the waterfront each day and some time to choose activities with their counselors.

Each camp group has its own schedule and programming. Most of the day, each camper is part of a small group to ensure familiarity and relationship building.

Starburst (Campers Entering K or 1st Grade in the Fall)

Thunder (Campers Entering 2nd or 3rd Grade in the Fall)

Lightning & Quasar Skill Camps (Campers Entering 4th thru 7th Grade in the Fall)

Northern Lights Specialty camps

Teen Camps

Starburst Camp

For campers GRADES K-1 (Must be Age 5 to start camp)

2025 Cost per week: $495 for everyone / $300 with resident discount

Please Note: Due to the strong demand for the Starburst program and a limited number of spots per week (20 campers), it is unlikely that individual campers will obtain registrations in all weeks of the summer.

With an active daily schedule designed to meet the developmental needs of our youngest campers, we provide Starbursts with an introduction to camp. Starburst campers participate in: Archery, Arts & Crafts, Canoeing, Climbing Wall, Field Games, Nature explorations, Performing Arts, Story-time, Swimming, Yoga, and special themed activities.

Is your camper ready to be a Starburst Camper?

Being ready for Camp Beech Cliff means being able to carry a backpack with lunch, water bottle, swim suit, and towel; hike down and up the big hill once a day, carrying the backpack; keep track of belongings, change into a swim suit, and eat lunch and snacks independently. While we offer our Starburst Campers extra support and care with two counselors per group, not all Kindergarten and 1st graders are ready for the rigorous schedule. Starburst Campers are typically children who are accustomed to a full-day program or are used to keeping up with an older sibling. We cannot make special arrangements for half-day or partial week programs, although you always have the option of keeping your camper home for a day or picking him/her up early.

Starburst Camp credo: 

  • Physical Development – CBC Starbursts are on the move – literally! Starburst campers navigate our large campus and participate in lots of active programs catered to this age for developing motor skills.
  • Social & Emotional Development – These campers are beginning to think about how they look in the eyes of others and we help them find their comfort zone. We teach good sportsmanship and give the love and support that our youngest campers crave.
  • Intellectual Development – Starbursts love to ask questions and we do our best to answer them! We understand they will learn best through trying new things and positive modeling by staff.
  • Group Participation – Recognizing our own strengths and how to help others is central to the Starburst camp. Counselors help campers understand how their choices affect other campers and work to develop appropriate responses and behaviors for every camper.
  • Fundamental Skills – Campers work on fundamental skills such as learning to tie shoes, swim underwater, and greet new friends.
  • Routines – Consistency is key with this age. While we offer a variety of activities throughout the week, Starbursts run on the same daily schedule. It’s usually our returning campers who help teach first-time campers about CBC routines (i.e. how we start the day, where to eat snack, who to ask and take with to go to the bathroom).

Starburst Camp Sample Schedule, 9am - 4pm

Waterfront Activity: Swimming

2:05-2:40 pm
Snack & travel time

Upper Camp Activity: Storytime

Group Closing Activity

3:50-4:00 pm
Dismissal for Buses/Parent pick-up

9:00-9:20 am
Morning Circle

9:20-9:30 am
Snack Time

9:30-10:20 am
Upper Camp Activity: Field games

10:30-11:20 am
Upper Camp Activity: Arts & Crafts

11:30-12:00 pm

Changing and Travel time


Thunder Camp

For campers GRADES 2-3

2025 Cost per week: $495 for everyone / $300 with resident discount

Designed specifically for younger campers, this program provides a nurturing setting to introduce young campers to activities in each of our program areas and encourage them to try new things and discover hidden talents with ample support from staff. Activity blocks will be approximately 50 minutes long to ensure a dynamic schedule with plenty of opportunities to try the various program areas that camp has to offer. 

Thunder camp credo:

  • Critical Thinking – As these campers learn many new academic skills in school, they are also developing many physical and fine motor skills. This is a ripe age for campers to be trying new things and discovering talents!

  • Comprehension – Programs for Thunder campers are designed to be a bit more in-depth as their ability for comprehension and retention develops.

  • Self-Control – Counselors work with this age on recognizing their behaviors and movements and guiding them to make positive impacts.

  • Fine Motor Skills – 2nd and 3rd graders are ready to learn about new ways to move and manipulate their body. While they continue to test their skills, they also display intense curiosity about how it all works and delight in newfound physical abilities.

  • Personality Growth – As these campers grasp concepts like space, direction, distance and time, suddenly schedules and routines become the focus of their attention. These campers also start to recognize their position within a group and try on different behaviors and roles. CBC counselors are expected and trained to have keen observation of group dynamics to monitor a positive camp atmosphere.

Thunder camp sample schedule, 9am- 4pm

12:00-1:00 pm
Counselor/Group Choice

1:00-1:30 pm
Change and travel to waterfront

1:30-3:20 pm
Waterfront activity: Swimming

3:30-4:00 pm
Closing Circle by Cabin Group and dismissal

9:00 am
Opening Circle by Cabin Group

9:30-10:20 am
Upper Camp Activity: Arts & Crafts

10:30-11:20 am
Snack & Upper Camp Activity: Archery

11:30-12:00 am


Lightning & Quasar Skill Camps

For campers Grades 4-7

2025 Cost per week: $495 for everyone / $300 with resident discount

The Lightning and Quasar Camps are designed for youth who want to exercise their independence and strong interests in specific program areas. In order to maintain campers in separate cohorts but still provide the opportunity for campers to pick a focus area, the Lightning and Quasar campers will be grouped together by skill class selection.

In addition to regularly scheduled waterfront activities (swimming, kayaking, and canoeing), every Lightning and Quasar camper will select a skill class which they will focus on for the week (Monday through Thursday). The options will vary from week to week but the skill areas are:

  • Archery

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Challenge Courses

  • Woodworking - Sponsored by EL Shea and Atlantic Landscape

  • Nature

  • Performing Arts

  • Sailing

  • Sports & Games

Skill Classes give each camper the opportunity to explore their interests with more time to have individualized instruction and work on in-depth projects.

We celebrate the end of the week with Fracky Friday – think crazy costumes and special themed programs.

Lightning & Quasar camp credo:

  • Developing Skills – This is a time when youth are beginning mastery and keen interests of individual activities.

  • Identification – Young brains are honed in to classifying their surroundings, be it animals, cars, or people! CBC counselors focus on cultivating positive friendship making skills with this age group.

  • Conflict Resolution – This is a skill that takes constant practice and refinement. There is no place as safe and prepared as camp to practice these critical life skills.

  • Independence – The freedom for decision making with skill classes (see description above) and responsibility keeps these campers thriving and excited to help guide their camp experience.

  • Social and Emotional Forming – When social freedom is desired, mentors have an even greater impact at this age. Our counselors are trained to keep a keen eye on group dynamics, actively facilitate the forming, norming, and performing that is central to the lives of young pre-teens and teens.

  • Critical Thinking – Camp programs give young campers opportunities to think for themselves, engage in experiential education and thought-provoking activities, and voice their observations in a supportive, caring environment.

  • Reflection – Reflection and learning when it’s appropriate to speak and when it’s appropriate to listen, are an integral part of the camp experience.

Lightning camp sample schedule, 9 am- 4 pm

12:30-1:30 pm
Skills Part 1: Arts & Crafts

1:30-2:20 pm
Counselor/Group Choice Activity

2:30-3:20 pm
Skills Part 2: Archery

3:30-4:00 pm
Closing Circle by Cabin Group & Dismissal

9:00-9:25 am
Opening Circle by Cabin Group

9:30-11:20 am
Waterfront Activity: Boating

11:30-12:00 pm
Changing and travel time

12:00-12:30 pm


Also available: Northern Lights SPECIALTY CAMPS

Ready for something different from the traditional CBC experience? Check out our Specialty Camps for opportunities to spend the week focused on a specific theme. Check out the possibilities on our Specialty Camps page.