Your donation in memory of Dot Pulis will make an incredible difference in the life of a child. Thank you!

Thank you for your generous donation in support of the Pulis Campership Endowment. This permanent endowment allows us to enhance children’s lives through camp scholarships that provide a child with an opportunity for a summer camp experience, who would otherwise be unable to attend camp.

Each summer, hundreds of campers from Hancock County attend CBC over the course of 10 weeks. In 2018, there were 454 total campers from Hancock County, 98 of which received full or partial camperships for 453 weeks of camp (most campership campers attend multiple weeks of camp).

CBC is committed to making it possible for localal children to attend camp. We intentionally keep the cost of camp low to make it affordable for all families. The campership funds and the free transportation are made available through the generosity of donors each year.


Camp Beech Cliff is a nonprofit organization recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.